Meet Our Team

Vice President of
Client Relationships

Randy Gailit

Randy Gailit has done everything; from personally renovating his first home In Pennsylvania to building a mail-order computer company from start-up to public offering. He’s even our resident expert about the Blues, and with 8 years on the board of the Suncoast Blues Society, he does his fair share to keep the rest of us in the loop.

Here From the Start

There were legacy people from Andre’s sporting events business, but Randy got the call first when Andre decided to go full steam ahead with a full-service advertising agency. Randy had already proven to Andre that he is a “can do” guy with experience in a lot of areas and a passion for world-class customer service.

According to Randy, “I knew when I first met Andre that he was a reputable guy; someone you want to do business with. When I got the call, I left the next day and I’ve never looked back.” Since it was the summer of 2004, this meant driving directly into Hurricane Charlie. This confirmed Andre’s belief that he is crazy enough to conquer the advertising industry and live in a state where large man-eating reptiles may actually reside in a small pond behind your house. Today, Randy is practically a Florida native and remains utterly fearless in the face of bad weather. He’ll be the one throwing a hurricane party while the rest of us are hightailing it up I-75.

World-Class Customer Service

An expert in co-op advertising, Randy is hands-on with our clients to ensure our vision for delivering world-class service is executed at every level. Andre refers to Randy as, “The person I can send when it’s really important but impossible for me to be there.”

On a Saturday night, you’re most likely to find Randy and his wife down in Historic Seminole Heights catching a live band at Ella’s or sampling some craft beer at The Refinery. Leave it to the guy from Pennsylvania to find the hippest spots in Tampa that tourists have yet to find. In keeping with his status as a northern transplant turned Florida native, he is also a golf nut who professes to love the game, “I just hate playing it!”

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