Mediagistic Blog

The Challenge of Streamlining Your Online and Offline Advertising Efforts

digital advertising business consultant
Luke Steinkopf

Any modern business that doesn’t successfully leverage both online and offline advertising channels won’t stand much of a chance in today’s cutthroat climate. As a savvy business owner, though, this isn’t going to come as news to you. You’re probably already promoting your business on the Internet and through offline channels, such as mass media and direct mail.

The struggle, then, lies in coordinating these efforts to complement each other and work in synergy. You don’t want your online and offline advertising to be redundant, but you also want to maintain a consistent message for your brand. The logistics of juggling online and offline marketing activities can be overwhelming to small business owners. Believe it or not, though, you can streamline your efforts on and off the Internet.

The Challenges of Online-Offline Coordination

When you’re a local small-business owner, advertising online and offline means managing numerous different vendors, deadlines, and time-intensive efforts. The people who handle your online marketing presence have no idea how to approach offline marketing, and you get caught in the crossfire.

You want a multi-channel strategy, but running a business and keeping all those balls in the air simply isn’t a tenable situation. Developing and leveraging a holistic marketing strategy is imperative to surviving as a business, but that’s challenging when the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing.

On Your Dime and On Your Time

In many cases, when our clients come to us, I see them dealing with this very predicament. The left hand is cultivating online leads, which are critically important. For example, more than 81 percent of American adults use the Internet, and fully 75 percent of them are on Facebook. You’re leaving money on the table if you aren’t reaching them through these channels.

But the right hand can’t be ignored — mass media, direct mail, and other offline media are anything but dead. They’re vital for building your brand and getting mass exposure for your message.

It seems, though, that the two are never on the same page — that is, unless you personally do all the coordination yourself. On your dime and on your time.

The Benefits of Streamlined Advertising

You don’t have the resources to devote to effective researching, planning, and advertising in a comprehensive way. Scattering your multi-channel strategy across several agencies creates enormous inefficiencies.

Your time could be better spent doing what you do best — turning wrenches and ensuring your business is operating smoothly. Not to mention the fact that your various agencies aren’t communicating, and thus can’t coordinate. Rather than awkwardly and incoherently compartmentalizing your online and offline advertising strategies, you need to merge them into a cohesive whole with one agency.

Over half of Mediagistic clients I have spoken with have said that reducing the amount of time spent managing advertising was important to them. One business we work with in Texas stated that they considered advertising something that must be done, and vendors with deadlines were constantly calling.

Now Mediagistic helps with planning/strategy, keeps track of deadlines, and manages the campaign on the business’s behalf. With Mediagistic’s help, managing multi-channel advertising and marketing efforts is a piece of cake.

A Single Point of Contact to Unify Your Advertising Efforts

The answer to this situation is actually pretty simple. You need a single point of contact for all your online and offline advertising efforts. Fortunately, Mediagistic is a full-service advertising and marketing agency. We can handle your Internet marketing, mass media, direct mail, and many other forms of advertising through one point of contact.

Gone are the days of fielding calls from vendor after vendor, deadline after deadline. With Mediagistic, you deal with one party and one party only. Doing so fosters consistency, leverages our HVAC industry expertise, and allows different forms of advertising to work together in a holistic and synergistic way. Find out about how Mediagistic can make a difference and help you get back to running your business.

Luke Steinkopf is Mediagistic’s National Sales Manager. He works with local home services businesses across the country and provides solutions to help them achieve their growth goals. Connect with him on Linkedin.

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